Media Archives

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“Manuel de la Torre passes at age 94” by Bob Denney, June 2016, PGA Magazine

“Admired Golf Teacher Manuel de la Torre Dies at 94” by Gary D’Amato, April 25, 2016, The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

“The Love of Teaching” by Gary D’Amato, May 12, 2015, The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

"The Learning Tree" by Jaime Diaz, May 1, 2001, Sports Illustrated Golf Plus

"Manuel Labor" by E.M. Swift, July 2001, Sports Illustrated Golf Plus

"Keep It Real Jonathan Kaye" by Josh Elliott, May 3, 2004, Sports Illustrated Golf Plus

"Just Like Hogan? Chad Campbell" by Curt Sampson, April 20, 2009, Sports Illustrated Golf Plus

Manuel article on Nause and Steinhauer